Thursday, December 13, 2012


I have discovered a new music site, and it is wonderful.
It contains high quality videos of live preformances by some of my favorite bands. Literally, each page I went to resulted in a squel of delight because I was so excited about the bands. If you want some quality live music on your couch, which all us lazy indies love. You have got to check this spot out.

Here are some of my favorites. It was really hard to pick just five. Also I dont have the skills to embed videos from other sites, just youtube. So here are the links, and the youtube version.





Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wednesday Love

1. First off, I am loving that I decided to take a sick day for some much needed rest, and to catch up on grading. A mental health day counts as a sick day right? Retail therapy might be pushing it though, I will just stick to my stack of projects.


2. My mentor teacher has decided to buy me an entire chicken after I showed up to the staff lunch room with a box of cinnamon toast crunch and chocolate milk. I then proceeded to eat the cereal out of my mug, which still had the remenants of my morning coffee in the bottom. Most the teachers were grossed out, but secretly, I think they were jelouse, as they ate their salads and frozen meals.

Source: via Denise on Pinterest

3. Why can't men my age figure out this essential truth. My students compliment my clothes like crazy, and my middle aged co-workers give me chocolate. If I could just average their age, and combine their game, life would be good.

Source: via Ashley on Pinterest
4. I am loving these pants! The perfct combo of sexy and comfy. Minus the heels, that is just stupid.

Source: via Tracey on Pinterest

5. As a social studies teacher maps are my best friend, and cute maps are about the best thing ever.

6. OMGEEEE Kate at Classy Living I have totally been loving The Mindy Project too!


7.  I am not really a quote person, because talk is cheap, but rarely I do find one that really hits home. A year ago I was with my college friends at honeyrock playing broom ball and stressing about getting cleared from pt, so I could play softball in the Dominican. Now I am a legit high school teacher, have my own apartment in a new city, surrounded by totally new people, and very completly different priorties. Ghawd what a difference a year makes. But I would not trade my last year for anything...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

End Cap

A new friend of mine tracked all the good days he had during his first year teaching, and when he added them all up, there were only eight good days. After his words of wisdom, he shared some of his chocolate stash with me.

Clearly my week has not gone so well but as I have learned, you have to celebrate some of the small victories.

1. I love coaching basketball but I feel a little useless as the head coach is a 6 11 former professional player. My high school background does not give me a lot to go on. But the game today is an early release and mr perfect cant make the game because he has a legit job. I am glad for the opportunity to try my hand at head coaching.

2. My school is going 1:1 iPads next year and they are piloting the iPads on teacher in January, as well as my junior class in the spring. Heck to the yeah.

3. My diet has become a disaster. But a yummy disaster. Last night I ate basically nothing all day because I was so busy. I got home and ate a bowl of cereal, crashed, and woke back up for a beer and some pop tarts. I can't decide if I will lose a ton of weight because I keep forgetting to eat or gain a bunch of weight due to my crappy diet.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Good, Bad, and the Downright Ugly

The Good: winning the equivalent of my electric bill in poker against some seasoned vets. Plus all the free meat, cheese, and beer I could consume. Clearly I was the only female present.

Honorable Mention: 1. Meeting some high school buddies at Kate's for half priced happy hour, then onto Hula Hula for some bad karaoke. 2. Phone call with my college roommate KG

The Bad: I am so behind on paper grading that on my bi monthly trip home to do laundry, I had to enlist my mom to help out. If my kids ask why the handwriting looks different, no way am I admitting my mommy did it between making me dinner and baking me cookies.

The Ugly: The amount of dishes sitting in my sink right now. A serious lack of desire to do dish duty is one of the serious pitfalls of not having a roommate.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hello World

Hey all, it has been a while. But thanks to my brand new iPhone, I am now in the 21st century. I can potentially keep up with the world. 10 to 12 hour work days really put a damper on things like blogs. But looking out the window to this view every day really helps.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oh How Pinteresting

chevron knuckle rings
Chevron Knuckle Ring

This brings new meaning to the word notebook

Made from push pins

Au­tu­mn Out­fit
It is fall! Time for scarves and boots

Love me some cute sweater dresses

Braided top knot
Love the knot

3 piece suit
I really like men. I could use me a man

Monday, October 8, 2012

Weekend Update

This past week, I did not have the urge to write a single post. I look at blogging as something fun, a creative outlet, when there is time. This past week, there was no time, nor a single ounce of creativity.

Open House was this past Monday, and I was at school from 7:30 am to 9.30 pm. 14 hours is just too long. I also had to prove to parents, that despite being basically their children's age, I am a capable and qualified teacher. I tried to be enthusiastic, because it is one serious pro of being so young, no burnout. I also showed them this picture.

It proved I am a seriously tough cookie, it also got them laughing, happy parents don't ask scary questions.

Needless to say, the whole rest of the week, I felt like I was seriously behind on sleep and life, with no time to catch a breath. Literally, I could barely breath because of a cold going around.

Hence, no blog last week. Going forward, I cannot guarantee regular blog posts, but that does not mean I will just vanish from the blogosphere. It just isn't fun when I am stress about blogging as a daily duty.

Anyways, on to better and brighter things. This weekend was wonderful. I can breath again, and I was very productive as well as relaxed.

Friday I was able to catch up with a good friend from high school, although it was cut a bit short when we snuck out the back of the local dive bar because two sketch looking guys tried to buy us mead shots, and get us to play pool with them. Mead? Really?! Are we in the Middle Ages still...

On Saturday my rents came down and my dad hung up some curtains and pictures for me, while my mom helped me paint my bathroom. Amazing what paint can do to a room! We also went to the up and coming South Lake Union neighborhood, and hit up Tom Douglas's new restaurant.


AFTER - The lighting is funky here, normally the walls look grey, not beige.

The Brave Horse

Finally, today I made it to the Capital Hill farmers market. The produce there was gorgeous! So fresh, and all organic, with relatively good pricing.

Sexy Fruit Right!? And yes, those are the blackberries in my belly right now, not some random picture off the internet

Also. The Seahawks won! ya boiii. It was a close game to the end. I was tracking it online, since I don't have cable, but the end was so good, I ran (literally) to the pizza place a block away to catch the ending live.

Goal line stop for the win

Since moving to Seattle, I have been church hoping, but I finally found a church I absolutely love. The worship isn't too rock band, but they play modern songs. The congregation is around my age. They have a post college, early career group, and the pastor preached the solid Christocentic message rooted in the Word. Yes Please.

Friday, September 28, 2012

High Five it is Friday

Praise the Lord Jesus in Heaven that it is Friday. That is all I am going to say.

1. I got to Skype with my college roommate! It was awesome. And I may or may not have gotten a little bit antsy and drew a finger-stach.

2. All this crazy workplace drama is finally getting resolved. It has been as tense as a tightrope stretched across Niagara Falls in there. And, I am getting a bigger desk, which does not face a wall. Thank You!

3. There has been a lot of extra hours this week, as testing season has come upon the high school, as well as open house coming on Monday. It is almost over! PTL

4. Movie Night!

Debbie Downer: I was at work late until 6.30, left with the perfect amount of time to get a smoothie for dinner, and hit up Two Nights in New York. False. My gps pooped out, and I drove everywhere looking for the dang smoothie place that I had a gift card for. Fail. Finally gave up and left for the theater. Had to call for directions, and was given the wrong directions. Got lost for 20 minutes. Finally made it there late. When I tried to get some food, they literally did not have one item with protein. So I got a soft pretzel for 5 freaking bucks, which they microwaved too long, so it became oddly crunchy... But I was so hungry I ate it all up. Also the movie was terrible. There was no plot line but there was 2 bajillion sexually inappropo comments, and some woman trying to sell her soul at an art show. Oh then afterwards my gas light came on, and I couldn't find a gas station for the life of me. And ended up at a rather sketchy location, with some seriously shady characters. I finally made it home, but by that time I lost my good parking spot and had to park close to 6 blocks away, because my permit has not come in the mail yet. I came back, and my kitty and torn up some of the pictures on the wall.
Worst movie night ever.

5. Fall  TV premieres!
Yes please SNL, Grey's Anatomy, and Modern Family!

Modern Family Season 2 Poster

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Photography Class

Instead of taking the boring 'ol general education class, art history. I instead took a digital photography class. Our final project was to create a blog filled with pictures we took and answering the professors many artsy fartsy questions. I learned a lot about digital cameras from the class, but I don't believe I took that great of picture.

The worst part, that stupid blog I slapped together and put very little thought into, has more views that this blog! I mean for serious! who wants to look at a terrible school project. Then again, who wants to hear me ramble and complain...

So clearly I did something right when taking these pictures.
So below is one of my photo shoots. Taken at the Winfield Mounds, out near Chicago.


Most of my critiques were that the images were over exposed, but I think that is much more of a matter of taste. As I was editing, I just kept coming back to a the whitened look, and purposely added it in. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I Mustache You To Pin

The other day, while skyping my college roommate, I sharpied up a quick mustache.
Which has thus inspired an entire "Oh How Pinteresting" devoted solely to the mustache!

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I think this actually really gross.
But at the same time really really funny.
I don't know which, it changes each time I look at it

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