Friday, September 28, 2012

High Five it is Friday

Praise the Lord Jesus in Heaven that it is Friday. That is all I am going to say.

1. I got to Skype with my college roommate! It was awesome. And I may or may not have gotten a little bit antsy and drew a finger-stach.

2. All this crazy workplace drama is finally getting resolved. It has been as tense as a tightrope stretched across Niagara Falls in there. And, I am getting a bigger desk, which does not face a wall. Thank You!

3. There has been a lot of extra hours this week, as testing season has come upon the high school, as well as open house coming on Monday. It is almost over! PTL

4. Movie Night!

Debbie Downer: I was at work late until 6.30, left with the perfect amount of time to get a smoothie for dinner, and hit up Two Nights in New York. False. My gps pooped out, and I drove everywhere looking for the dang smoothie place that I had a gift card for. Fail. Finally gave up and left for the theater. Had to call for directions, and was given the wrong directions. Got lost for 20 minutes. Finally made it there late. When I tried to get some food, they literally did not have one item with protein. So I got a soft pretzel for 5 freaking bucks, which they microwaved too long, so it became oddly crunchy... But I was so hungry I ate it all up. Also the movie was terrible. There was no plot line but there was 2 bajillion sexually inappropo comments, and some woman trying to sell her soul at an art show. Oh then afterwards my gas light came on, and I couldn't find a gas station for the life of me. And ended up at a rather sketchy location, with some seriously shady characters. I finally made it home, but by that time I lost my good parking spot and had to park close to 6 blocks away, because my permit has not come in the mail yet. I came back, and my kitty and torn up some of the pictures on the wall.
Worst movie night ever.

5. Fall  TV premieres!
Yes please SNL, Grey's Anatomy, and Modern Family!

Modern Family Season 2 Poster

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Photography Class

Instead of taking the boring 'ol general education class, art history. I instead took a digital photography class. Our final project was to create a blog filled with pictures we took and answering the professors many artsy fartsy questions. I learned a lot about digital cameras from the class, but I don't believe I took that great of picture.

The worst part, that stupid blog I slapped together and put very little thought into, has more views that this blog! I mean for serious! who wants to look at a terrible school project. Then again, who wants to hear me ramble and complain...

So clearly I did something right when taking these pictures.
So below is one of my photo shoots. Taken at the Winfield Mounds, out near Chicago.


Most of my critiques were that the images were over exposed, but I think that is much more of a matter of taste. As I was editing, I just kept coming back to a the whitened look, and purposely added it in. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I Mustache You To Pin

The other day, while skyping my college roommate, I sharpied up a quick mustache.
Which has thus inspired an entire "Oh How Pinteresting" devoted solely to the mustache!

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I think this actually really gross.
But at the same time really really funny.
I don't know which, it changes each time I look at it

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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Map It

In my Global Studies class, we always do current events. Each student has a certain day of the month and presents an important recent event. These past couple of months, the primary concern has been over the terrible youtube video that sparked protests in over twenty countries, and has killed over thirty people.

To help visualize our events, I put up a map, and have push pins which represent each current event.

The students love putting push pins in the map as well as seeing where all the events are actually located. It also encourages them to find events from really strange locations, such as Antartica.

This map has got me visualizing maps everywhere. I had a strange dream that I decorated my room completly in maps. From the carpet to the walls to the furniture. It was all maps.

I was curious about how people decorate with maps, without it becoming a nightmare, and I found some really chic examples. There are even minimalist styles, which is impressive when using a busy map.
maps maps maps
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Monday, September 24, 2012

Oh hey internet, it has been awhile. Where have you been?

Do you ever go a couple weeks or even a day without internet, and you feel like the whole world has stopped, and you missed every single thing in life. That is the way I have felt these past weeks while I moved and tried to get my internet all set up.

It turns out, the world really did not turn any faster while I was gone, and I got caught up to speed in literally an hour... Shoot I guess I am not nearly as important as I thought. Although the cutie barista at Seattle Coffee Works might beg to differ, cause he was flirting it up, that or he was just a little jealous that I am gainfully employed at 22, while he was working the Chemex. More than likely the latter, but I like to pretend the former :)

So anyways..
I am settling into Seattle life wonderfully. This past weekend, I just hopped on the bus and went downtown with my very green canvas grocery bags, and picked up my produce at the Pike Place Market. I did avoid the fish throwers though.. ew...

Side note, about a month ago, the Pike Place Fish Market came to my school for staff development, and we all had to throw smelly slimy fish in the name of team building.

I came back and my kitty was snoozing away. He is such a cutie, although not quite as much as the barista.

Later I skyped my college roommate and she inspired me to make corn frites. Delicious!!
You can find the recipe here.

All in all, I am loving living on my own. I feel so independent and cool. My students think I am cool, and I feel so much more like a legit professional since I don't live at my parents house anymore.
I am also a fan of having my own space. College was great and all, but there comes a time when you gotta move on up in the world. I also am around drama teens for my job, and it is great to not have drama when I come home. Now, I am about to go own up a bowl of ice cream, peace. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012



Whoa, this weekend has gone fast. Sorry for going all missing in action this past week. But it has been for a very good reason. I am officially moved into my new apartment!! It took a lot of muscles, time, and money. But it is livable. Kinda. I won't have internet until Thursday, best case scenario. The place has not been decorated yet either, so there are a lot of blank unpainted walls.

But despite the emptiness.


This is the main living area. Couch, desk, and the dining room extendable table to the right.
Shame there are no chairs for the table. I will double up the desk chair
but having more than one chair might be kinda important 

It is a studio, but the bed pushed into the closet sure saves a lot of room.
The duvet still doesn't have a cover, and I am planning on hanging curtains behind the bed

The sweet vintage light fixture in the living room

The view from my couch. It could use some help. The TV, when I get one, will go on the black table
I was thinking a photo collage might be good in the rest of the blank space. 

Through the window there is a great view of the Space Needle and lake Union!

My thrift store find for 25 bucks! Covered in a scarf from Egypt. The stove is not full size, but it is gas!

Everybody needs a coffee area

The Kitchen.

With marble counters

The whole kitchen

Walk in closet

with tons of space

The bathroom. nothing to special, but it functions The shower has nice subway tiles